Virtual Walks
Details on how to participate will be announced after the opening ceremony of the conference!

Dear guests, welcome to our conference place!
This is to inform all of you who have registered to our conference about the conference program and the way you can participate in it.
As you all know, our conference is virtual and the content is offered in two modes:
1. synchronous – live-streamed (specifically, live discussions hosted by our partners and some workshops; their time is precisely determined, and they take place through various video conferencing applications),
2. asynchronous – not live-streamed (most of the papers that you can listen to, read or view at any time and that are accessible in various places on our web platform).
The individual papers and points of the program are really interesting and varied, and as organisers we believe that you will enjoy them both during the conference and after. We would like to keep the web platform alive even after October 15, when our conference ends. Most of the active participants agreed that their contributions would be available after the conference, so there is nothing to prevent our website from becoming an interesting archive and source of inspiration in the future.
At the moment, you can find a detailed program on our website, divided into different sections, as well as a clear list of all speakers, in which you can search for individual authors alphabetically. See here.
The conference program includes the following parts:
Grand Opening and greetings from organisers and partners (asynchronous);
Cultural program as an additional part of the Grand Opening of the conference (asynchronous);
Keynote section with presentations of keynote papers (asynchronous);
Live discussions hosted by our partners (synchronous);
Workshops (synchronous and asynchronous; if you are interested in participating, follow the instructions in each room; please note that some workshops require registration);
Individual sections with papers of active participants/speakers.
In addition to live discussions and workshops, our conference also enables you to interact through posts and comments to individual papers and also through the General Discussions page, where registered participants can create their own posts and discuss in chat rooms of other participants.
How do I log in to a discussion forum? You need to log in (log in icon at the top right of the menu) and then wait for membership approval. You will be approved as a member to the discussion forum provided you are registered as a conference participant.
You can find information about our conference also on our social networks. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and we will notify you about selected program points, and you will be able to share posts and comment on them.
Our conference platform will open on October 12, 2020 at 00:00 Central European Summer Time (CEST).
Dear friends, we look forward to seeing you!
Your organisers –
Petra & Jana
Conference program in pdf for download:
The full conference papers of our speakers will be available from October 12, 2020.
We look forward to your visit!