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Overcoming the Isolation
Lectures & Visual Presentations


Dolores Alvarez-Rodríguez

Facultad de Educación. Universidad de Granada, Spain

Back to Basic in Art Education in Corona Time: The Contribution of Arts to the Lockdown at Home

In this period of several moths when the society is at home, and the community has been restrained to the minimum expression, one the activities more developed in family the has been the artistic ones. This phenomena has been common in several countries. This is just the oposite to what happen in a regular school situation when the movements are free and the daily activity led people express themselves, including children, without apparent restriction. It is interesting to analyse why what happened that and how has been developed, obtaining data from what has been shared and published in different social networks. Indeed, the artistic activities developed, and also the theoretical background, seems to reflect a tendency to the basic in art education.


John Oyewole Adenle

Department of Creative Arts, Faculty of Arts, University
of Lagos, Nigeria


Developing Coping Mechanism during Covid 19 Lockdown through the Art of Paper Folding

The outbreak of Covid 19 pandemic all over the World was unprepared for, Nigeria was among the first countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to identify COVID-19 (corona virus) cases and has since implemented strict measures to contain the spread of the virus.

Lockdown became inevitable to curtail the spread of Corona virus. Although government relaxed the lockdown on some days when people go out to stock the house food and essential needs, yet the psychological torture from this confinement is evident in idleness, feeling of stress, loneliness and boredom as a result routinely eating, playing, sleeping and perhaps a few other things away from their gainful engagement of the past. It was house arrest indeed, time is ticking, morale at a very low ebb, voluntarily or mandatorily because of the suspension of active economic, social and religious engagements. This study discusses the how engaging of youths in art related activities helped and provide a form of coping mechanism and escape therapy from boredom during Covid 19 lockdown. 50 participants were were selected online based on interest and engaged in creative paper fold called Origami therapy challenge. The results shows that engaging hands on hands on skills at a time of lockdown and isolation as witnessed during this pandemic would be a positive intervention to boost morale and serve as escape avenue from stress and boredom.

The fight against COVID-19 has been one of the greatest challenges in the history of man. By August 14th 2019, Covid-19 have spread from China to other parts of the world affecting 213 countries in its ravaging for almost nine months. The first case of Covid 19 was confirmed on the 27th of February 2020. The case is an Italian citizen who works in Nigeria and returned from Milan, Italy to Lagos, Nigeria on the 25th of February 2020. After then the confirmed cases of coronavirus was steadily on the rise untill July, such that by August 16th 2020 (Nigeria Centre for Disease Control, NCDC).

The period between March and June in Nigeria was characteristically a devastating period of incarcerations, isolation, quarantine, lockdown, hunger, depression, fear, anger, trauma of different sorts and need to prevent the infection of covid 19. Devastating because never in recent history has any infectious disease been so widespread that would make developed nations wanting of solution. Therefore, international community needs to work together through WHO to prepare for the containment of COVID-19 transmission and spreading in other countries, Nigerian government also made frantic efforts by responding by shutting of borders, imposing lockdown, ban on interstate travels, airports shut, schools and offices, clubs, and services considered to be non-essential closed.

Read more in the attached paper...


Milada Sommerová

Masaryk University, Faculty of Education, Brno, Czech Republic


Art-mediated Intergenerational Solidarity during a Coronavirus Pandemic

The paper discuss the phenomenon of intergenerational solidarity mediated by art of the past years and also intensively right now, in the art that arise during a pandemic. It points to possible aspects of visual creation, related to intergenerational issues, and the issue of social isolation, loneliness and fear. The paper is also a polemic about the possible digitization of art education, which has been implemented (mainly through social networks) within the subject Art and Creation.

In the Czech Republic, the first signs of coronavirus were confirmed at the beginning of March 2020, but the pandemic has been spreading worldwide since the end of 2019. We find ourselves in a time of uncertainty, fear, social isolation. However, this challenging period has brought several positive changes to our everyday life, we have realized the undeniable benefits of mutual assistance, it can be said that the crisis situation has brought us together. The initiative to help the people most affected by the pandemic came from, among other associations, Czech universities. In mid-September, the MUNI Volunteer Centre had already fulfilled more than 2500 requests for assistance in a difficult situation. You can also follow the Volunteer Center activity on Facebook in the "Muni pomáhá Dobrovolníci" group, which was created directly for the purpose of the current need. So we have seen a huge wave of solidarity that is still going on- both from individuals and from whole organised groups. Several volunteer centres were also established, to offer delivery of purchases, to pick up drugs, etc. Many organizations have pointed out that many seniors may feel lonely in this difficult time and they can even die in solitude. Old people also face a lack of technical and mental support in addition to the lack of material equipment to fight the pandemic.

Read more in the attached paper...

English version

Czech version


Distance for Closeness: Choreographing Communication in Art Research         

This paper portrays mutual urge to integrate artistry with education from a position of socially engaged practice by building a solid reciprocal connection between psychology science and movement art. This work is a search in a broadest sense. A search for an ultimate distances and optimal closeness, coherently acknowledging the diversity of perception and sensation of personal space for each individual.

Inna Kulazhenkova

ArtEZ University of Arts, Arnhem, The Netherlands


My personal inquiry as a progressive artist educator for this work is depicted by five central research questions:

  1. How can artist educator facilitate the growth of distance awareness?

  2. How can art education and critical pedagogy facilitate development of extraverted behavior and grow positive response for a close communication?

  3. How does this development influence on social cohesion?

  4. Can artist educator help in building cohesive community by applying movement techniques based on distance awareness?

  5. Can artist educator appropriate tactile communication for the need of community growth?


In a support for this research questions I narrowed the focus to two major methodological trajectories: tangibility and intangibility of distance. Specifying this directions, I became concerned by following questions:

  1. How do people form a group when the distance is not tangible?

  2. How do people form a group when the distance is tangible?

  3. How does rope become a mediator between people and develop openness and acknowledgement of other (helps in decreasing personal distance)?


As an Artist Educator for whom Body is an immanent central tool for his work, I dedicate my methodological position to the idea of highlighting importance of connection between the bodies senses and searching for optimal methods to be able to contribute knowledge about this connection to communities.

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