Virtual Walks
Details on how to participate will be announced after the opening ceremony of the conference!
Visual Presenations
& Virtual Exhibitions
for Inspiration

Helena Lukasova
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

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Teaching Drawing Course During Quarantine | Shifting from Realistic Drawing to Personal Expression
The presentation introduces the challenge of teaching the drawing course online. The sudden lockdown rules had closed down all schools in the Czech Republic. Teachers had to switch literally overnight, to online communication. In the case of teaching drawing was a very challenging situation. We had no idea what the nearest future would be at that time. I felt like my duty is to keep students occupied to provide them with the means of self expression to cope with the reality. I had to rethink the assignments. This experience also changed my understanding of being a teacher and helped me to see students with more complexity.

Ana Serra Rocha
Universidade de Lisboa – Faculdade de Belas Artes e Instituto de Educação, Lisboa, Portugal
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Cover Id
The title suggest a book cover identification as a metaphor for all the people that are using masks, covering identification and becoming part of a group as agents of public heath. Pages of a book to be read and felt empowering de necessity to cover the human mouth and nose as breathing area, in order to survive preventing the corona virus. The silence of words that don´t came out, and the invisible smile.

Hana Valešová & Zuzana Pechová
Department of Primary Education, Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education, Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic
About the Project Make ART, Not Faces!
The presentation is based on the hands-on art project which was run via facebook in the Czech Republic during the Covid-19 lockdown.

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Visit the workshop of these authors!

Flavia Pedrosa Vasconcelos
& Teresa Almeida
Doutora em Educação Artística – Universidade do Porto Departamento de Artes Visuais Centro de Artes e Letras – CAL Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil
Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto. Av. Rodrigues de Freitas, Portugal
Contextualized Art/Education Between Brazil and Portugal: Mosaic and Glass
This work aims to discuss Art / Education contextualized from experiences carried out in the mediation of Professor Teresa Almeida from the University of Porto, Portugal, in Juazeiro / BA, Brazil. That researcher was in August 2016 in the city with support for the visiting researcher scholarship via CNPQ. In addition to conducting thematic workshops, from mini degree courses, students, technicians and professors from the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco – UNIVASF, guided in the Mosaic area and the Glass area. Given the above, we analyzed what artistic / educational possibilities were built and reflected on the context of Art / Education contextualized since the semiarid. Finally, we intend to demonstrate the characteristics of the activities carried out in terms of research, teaching and extension and how a collaborative work between bridges can establish broader views on the teaching / learning processes.

Šárka Marxová Kvochová, Alena Urbanová, Hana Teplá & Vladimír Janek
The Olomouc Biennial 2020
After-school facilities for children OLOMOUCKÁ PALETA z.s and DŮM DĚTÍ A MLÁDEŽE OLOMOUC cordially invite everyone to The Olomouc Biennial 2020. An exhibition of artistic and literary works of pupils and students of schools and school facilities in the Olomouc region.
Venue: Gallery Podkroví – Art Centre UP Olomouc
Duration: 14 October – 18 November 2020
The exhibition is a show of ideas and hard work of art educators and the way they can communicate with children, connect with them and go in one direction towards forming, expressing themselves and cultivating the artistic expression of children. You can see the enthusiasm and joy of children from the process of creation, reflection and immersion in adolescent young authors. You can see how we interact, connect and enrich each other.
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